I stumbled over this website when looking for resources that I would use in my classroom. I am so happy that I found it because it is great for all subjects and all grade levels K-12! Teacher. org provides several detailed lesson plans for teachers of all subjects and grades. you can search for lesson plans by grade level or by subject which makes is very easy to navigate. Not only that, but this resource provides access to IXL which is a personal learning site. This website provides interactive quizzes for all grades and subjects that are organized into categories. I like how each topic corresponds to the Georgia Standards.
I will use both of these related websites in my science classroom. As an educator, I will use the Teachers. org to guide some of my lesson planning and gather ideas from what is provided. After lessons and to prepare for quizzes and tests, my students can use IXL to practice their skills and to have the opportunity to virtually interact. I think the website is fun and engaging; I am positive that students will enjoy using this resource to test themselves on their knowledge. To continue, I think educators of all subject and grade level should look into these websites because they will be extremely beneficial to both teachers and students.
Word count: 222

I will use both of these related websites in my science classroom. As an educator, I will use the Teachers. org to guide some of my lesson planning and gather ideas from what is provided. After lessons and to prepare for quizzes and tests, my students can use IXL to practice their skills and to have the opportunity to virtually interact. I think the website is fun and engaging; I am positive that students will enjoy using this resource to test themselves on their knowledge. To continue, I think educators of all subject and grade level should look into these websites because they will be extremely beneficial to both teachers and students.
Word count: 222
ReplyDeleteI think this is a great resource! I love that it gives ideas and various lesson plans that we can access while we are lesson planning! I think it is great that the website is specific to the Georgia Standards and allows students to connect their learning with the standards seen in class and on this website! I can see how it can be used for all content areas! I love how this resource can be used for teachers and students! It allows students to better master specific concepts, while assisting teachers in their lesson plans and to build ideas for teaching the materials and concepts!
Word Count: 107
ReplyDeleteI love how this website can be used for multiple content areas. I think that cross-curricular activities and lessons are key to students better understanding each subject and the content being taught. This is a great place to see other lesson plans and find ways to make connections and teach strategically.
Lesson planning can be stressful so it is great to have resources like this to aid with that process! I love this resource and I am definitely going to save it so that i can use it in the upcoming years.
Word Count: 93